This is an added bonus blog because originally I selected asparagus then I figured to stick to the pink theme. I didn't realize I'd find so many benefits though! Let's begin with vitamin C (duh, it is a citrus, so we should have figured this one!) Good for the immune system and helping prevent/fight colds; it is great to battle inflammation. It prevents free radical damage (thus limiting the severity of inflammatory conditions: asthma, osteoarthitis, and rheumatoid arthritis). Free radicals can oxidize cholesterol, which leads to blocks, which leads to build-up, which ultimately leads to heart attacks or strokes. Go figure that the thing that makes grapefruit pink, makes them even greater. This is the carotenoid phytonutrient, lycopene. It has anti-tumor capabilities, by having a high capacity to fight oxygen free radicals, that damage cells. Although this women's week, grapefruit benefit men as well. Eating lycopene foods (green teas-which we looked at last month) reduces the risk of prostate cancer, by 82% in some studies. Naringenin (flavonoid) repairs damages DNA in prostate cancer cells, as well!
This is important because the older we get, the more cells have divided, therefore greater the likelihood for mutations and cancers. Women don't worry because glucarates (found in the pulp) may help prevent breast cancer. Lab tests with human cells have shown limonoids help fight cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach, and colon. Let's go back to the heart. Grapefruit contain pectin (soluble fiber) shown to slow down the progression of atherosclerosis; less narrowing of the arteries with grapefruit consumption. All colors of grapefruit (blond too) have been shown to lower LDL and triglycerides (although red grapefruit was twice as effective in this case). Go pink today (men too, hello did you read about all the prostate benefits) and grab some grapefruit!