Friday, August 27, 2010

Featured Food: Broccoli Rabe

I thought that broccoli would be an obvious choice (because you always here about kids not wanting to eat their broccoli), but I decided to go with something most not know about and which still contains the word broccoli. It's pronounced like rob (just a side note). Broccoli rabe actually isn't even related to broccoli, it's a part of the mustard family, so it is kin to cabbage, kale, cauliflower, and mustard (obviously). It's popular in southern Italian (especially Sicily), Chinese, and Portuguese cuisines. It has a nutty, bitter, and pungent taste. Broccoli rabe is a good source of vitamin A and C (great for fighting free radicals), vitamin K and magnesium (bone development and repair), potassium, calcium, iron, and folate (protects against birth defects and heart disease). It's biggest health benefit is it's high concentration of phytochemicals (sulforaphane and indoles). These defend against certain cancers (of special note: stomach, lung, and colon). Indole is important for estrogen metabolism and decrease the risk of hormone dependent cancers; while, sulforaphane neutralizes carcinogenic chemicals and detoxes the body. It's numbers are even better, so fill up! Just one cup has only 9 calories, 1 g carbs, 1 g fiber (so 0 active carbs) and 1 g of protein. It's usually served sauteed with garlic, like you see above.

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