Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spinach Egg
Eggs (one yolk)
Olive oil

Coat a skillet (with some kind of light spray). Set the heat to medium. Break and separate the eggs (save one yolk for later). Pile leafs of spinach on and then cover with a lid. Leave it on for low to medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Place the yolk onto and leave for a few seconds. Remove from the skillet and plate.

Stuffed Portabella
2 - large Portabella Mushrooms
1 - lb Ground meat (your choice)
2% Natural Shredded Cheese (I like the five cheese)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Put your ground meat on to brown. While it is browning take your mushrooms and clean out all of the inside (including stem) and put it in a bowl. Take a spoon, add some Olive oil to the bowl and blend well.
When the meat is done add it to the bowl along with any seasonings you desire, mix in a little of the Shredded Cheese. Spray or put foil on a small pan. Place mushroom top down and spoon mixture into it. Top with cheese and bake till almost brown then drizzle some more Olive Oil on and let it bake a little longer. Olive oil will depend on how much you need or like. This will make a hold meal. The counts will depend on how much of each of the ingredient you use.

Blueberry Chicken
Corn starch
Cinnamon or All spice

Put about 1 cup of blueberries in a sauce pan and cook then at a low heat until they start to burst open.(Then start to smash them a little). Take 1/3 tsp. of corn starch and about ½ cup of water and mix together until well blended. Pour over already cooked chicken and add some splenda or brown sugar splenda (to your taste). Season with a little all spice or cinnamon.

Cabbage Lasagna
Head of Cabbage blanch the leafs
Ragu Sauce or can use salsa
Ground Meat (Turkey, Chicken, Lean Beef, Pork)
2% Cheese (I prefer Kraft Natural 4 Blend Italian )
Olive Oil,
Italian Seasoning, and any other seasoning you want
Mushrooms and Garlic (optional)

Brown your meat and add just enough Ragu to wet the meat. You can add your seasonings to meat mixture or wait till the next step. Layer 9x13 pan with Cabbage or Zucchini brush with Olive Oil. (add seasonings now if you did not use in meat mixture) Add a layer of meat mixture & cover with cheese. Repeat until you can have 3-4 Layers. Bake at 350 until mixture is bubbling and cheese in golden. For rolls just stuff the cabbage leafs, put in pan & pour sauce on top.

Tomato Parmesan
Sliver of butter
Olive oil
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut an X in the bottom of a tomato and place it in hot water to blanch. Leave in for three minutes and remove the skin. Cut off the top of the tomato. Place a small sliver of butter in the center, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Drizzle olive oil over the top and then place it on a rack to put in the oven. Cook for around 10 minutes and remove the oven. Let cool and then plate (potentially with the pork rind pork).

Thin-sliced chicken
Cream cheese
Cajun seasoning
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl mix cream cheese, Tabasco sauce, and Cajun seasoning. Take a thinly sliced piece of chicken (or pound out a thicker piece of chicken) and place two jalapenos toward one end. Place a dollop of the cream cheese mix on top and roll the chicken (hold with a toothpick when needed). Place in the oven and cook for around 20 minutes. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle salt and pepper when done.

Granny Smith Pork with Pecans
Granny Smith Apple
Pork loin
Heat up a skillet (spray lightly with Crisco spray or grapeseed oil). Cut up a whole granny smith apple; cook it down. Season with ground cinnamon. Brown some pecans and place in the skillet with the apples towards the end. Cook a pork loin in a separate pan and then plate. Once the apples are done pour them over top of the pork and serve.
No amount of reading or memorizing will make you change your body. The understanding and application of the guidelines is what counts.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Pork Rind Pork
Bag of spicy pork rinds
Pork loins

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Smash a bag of pork rinds in a Ziploc bag. Scramble an egg in a separate bowl , dip the pork loin into the egg and then place into the pork rind bag, coating it. Place on a rack and bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes (time based on loin thickness) at 350 degrees. Remove from oven and possibly serve with tomato parmesan.

Eggplant Pizza
Diced tomatoes
Italian sausage
Italian blend cheese
Olive oil

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut the skin off of an eggplant. Slice it into thin slithers (about an 1/8 inch). Lightly spray the bottom of a pizza pan with a light butter Crisco spray. Layer strips of the eggplant, so that the bottom of the pan is covered (lightly salt and pepper)) and place in the oven to brown an d draw out moisture (leave in for around 10 minutes. Take out of the oven and layer it with diced tomatoes, mushrooms, Italian sausage, and Italian blend cheese. Place back in the oven until the cheese is brown, remove and lightly drizzle with olive oil. Cut and serve

Stuffed Round Steak
Round Steak
Garlic and onion powders
Grapeseed oil
2 cans tomato sauce
2 cans dice tomatoes
Slice a piece of round steak thinly and then pound out to less than an 1/8th an inch (work from the center outward). Place mushrooms, sweet peppers, and onions on top of the steak. Sprinkle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roll the steak, tuck in the ends and secure with a toothpick on each end. Layer a pan with grapeseed oil on high. Place the steak in the pan and let it brown on each side. In a separate pan place 2 cans of tomato sauce and 2 cans of diced tomatoes, then season with garlic powder, onion powder, and salt.. Once the steak has browned place it in the tomato sauce, place a lid on it, and leave it on at a medium heat for around an hour. After an hour remove the steak from the sauce and put on a plate, layering some of the sauce and diced tomatoes on top.
Good results produce people who feel good about themselves.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Respect your body, enjoy your body, love your body, exercise and feed your body so it can feel good.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One of life's realities is that changing takes time, it doesn't happen overnight.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Body Change won't change yesterday, but will help you change your tomorrows.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Daily Quotes

Desire. . . the burning desire to build your body into what it can be. If you've got that desire you'll improve on any program. If you haven't got it you'll bog down no matter what you do