Friday, October 8, 2010

Featured Food: Asparagus

Today I originally scheduled asparagus and then I thought of grapefruit later, so today we'll just have two featured foods. I love asparagus, so I figured we'd take a look at it (plus it's green so it has to have health benefits, right?) Asparagus provides folate; actually one serving provides 66% of the recommended intake. Folate is part of the methylation cycle. Their reactions are  'spark plugs' in the body and is vital for transcription of DHA, and the transformation of norepinephrine to adrenaline and serotonin to melatonin. Folate is involved in homocysteine levels; high levels of which , increase the risk of heart disease (elevated levels found in 20-40% of heart disease patients). The homocysteine promotes athersclerosis by decreasing the integrity of blood vessel walls and getting in the way of collagen formation, which is important for connective tissue. Folate, as most may know, is great for pregnant women as well! Without fetus' nervous system cells do not divide properly and can lead to birth defects, predominately neural tube defects like spina bifida. Asparagus is great for your gut as well. It contains inulin, a carbohydrate that we don't digest, but that friendly bacteria (like Bifidobacteria and Lactobcilli), that reside in the large intestine do. Bottom- line it's good for your gut flora. Don't know about flora/ Check out one of our old post. There are a variety of asparagus: green, white, and purple. I've never even seen purple asparagus, not have I tried the white, but I adore the green and you should too, so go and get some now (especially if you're pregnant, your body will thank you for it)!

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