Thursday, August 5, 2010

Added Bonus; Coconut Water

I was inspired by my research on electrolytes, to write about coconut water. I've been doing a lot of research on coconuts (in fact check July 5), but I haven't covered coconut water itself. Coconut water has been getting a lot of publicity lately, with celebrities like Madonna raving about it. So what's so great? One of the major benefits of coconut water is what we've already discussed; it is naturally high in electrolytes. What else can we gain from drinking coconut water and what is it? Most get confused about coconut water and coconut milk. Coconut water is the clear liquid in the middle of a coconut before they have matured, which is why it's better to harvest them while they're still green (the flavor then is light and sweet). Drinking when freshly cracked is best too, because once they're exposed to air then it's organoleptic and nutritional characteristics start to fermit. In addition to supplying electrolytes, it is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamins, and proteins. Benefits include: hydration, cools body temperature, maintains immune system, ease urinary tract diseases and dysentery (because of it's saline and albumen content), and used as an antiseptic. Something I found interesting is that it can be used in blood transfusions (as a matter of fact it was used for blood transfusions during the Pacific War 1941-1945). Great news for those wanting to lose weight is that is helps raise metabolism and promote weight loss. Also if you indulge in a drink occasionally, it's been shown to alleviate nausea, therefore making it a natural cure for a hangover. Altogether I think it's an interesting drink. It's loaded with benefits and electrolytes, and is low in calories!

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