Friday, August 20, 2010

Featured Food: Beets

I've been trying to expand the variety of vegetables in my program. Most know that a varied diet is recommended and we've already done a piece on the benefits of different colored foods (July 30). Most of us associate beets as that reddish-purplish veggie, but it actually comes in white, yellow, and even rainbow colored. As a family member to Swiss chard and spinach, it's gotta be good right? Beets contain powerful nutrients that help protect against heart disease, birth defects, and some kinds of cancers. The pigment, betacyanin (which gives it that great red-purple) is a powerful cancer fighting agent! What about your heart though? Consumption has been correlated to 30% decrease in cholesterol and a 40% decrease in triglycerides, while increasing HDL levels. As most know HDL is good and elevated levels of triglycerides is what puts people at risk for heart disease. As we've discussed in the past (check out spinach June 25) foods (like beets) that contain metabolite betaine decrease inflammation (which leads to chronic diseases). Beets aren't just great for you but for babies too! They're a great source of B vitamin folate (for tissue growth). Babies' spinal columns don't develop properly without a sufficient amount of B vitamin folate. When purchasing beets look for smooth undamaged ones. Go ahead and eat the greens if you want, they're packed with nutrients as well, just prepare them like you would spinach or Swiss Chard. Hoping to have some recipes up on Saturday.

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