Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pharmaceutical Fish Oil

Fish oil has gotten much press lately. But why? What is so beneficial about fish oil and what kind of fish oil do you take? Just a tease, some of the benefits of fish oil include: decreased risk heart disease and cancer, improved memory and increased weight loss. Before we get into all of the benefits we need to discuss some of basics to fish oil.
First Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acid ratio is important. Today the American diet has a ratio of about 30:1; this is terrible, the ideal ratio should be 1:1. Omega-3 intake can be increased by eating more grass-fed beef or wild caught fish. Polyunsaturated fats are converted to eicosanoids. Omega-6 eicosanoids tend to be inflammatory, whereas, omega-3 eicosanoids tend to be less inflammatory. When fatty acids are converted to eicosanoids they use high unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA). When cells need eicosanoids, then it uses the stored HUFA to form them. So also important to the omega ratio is the HUFA ratio.
Now, also vital to fish oil is DHA and EPA. They are key to brain and visual tissue. Low levels of DHA/EPA may contribute to the onset of Alzheimer’s and other dementia problems, as well as vision problems. Higher levels are beneficial to decrease the risk of cancers; especially prostrate, breast, and colorectal cancers. Also decreased levels have been associated with suicidal depression and schizophrenia.
So what happens by taking a fish oil supplementation? Greater levels of dopamine (organization and spurt to action) and serotonin (stress handler and feel good sense), improved memory, improved concentration, greater athletic performance, increased weight loss, slows “aging”, better stress management, increased calmness, improved creativity, increased sexual drive, and prevents heart disease.
What kind of fish oil to buy? Most people are afraid of the high costs of pharmeauctical fish oil and think they can just go buy some at their local Wal-Mart and get all the benefits. Not so! These can cause build-up of toxic impurities like PCBs, which: disrupt the hormonal system, possibly give rise to cancerous tumors, and cause gastrointestinal problems (gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhea). Buy pharmeauctical fish oil because exceeds rigorous standards for purity, Taking one teaspoon of pharmaceutical fish oil is a little over $1 a day (comparative and cheaper than drinking a pop or coffee a day) and will provide you with all the benefits of fish oil.


  1. Just wondering but I looked for fish oil at Walmart, and they did have some that said "Pharmaceutical grade" on the label. Is it only the purity (and the rigor of the pharma grade) that is the concern or is the ingredients and the percentages of them in the capsules? Here's what I found - any thoughts on it?

  2. You can check on the, lish list researched and proven ultra-fined contaminate-free fish oil. I didn't see that one on their site, so without that there's really no proof that they don't contain PCB's and such. Also it didn't include that it doesn't contain dioxins, which is a toxin found in agent orange (like what was used in the Vietnam War). I would recommend the fish oil sold by Dr. Sears, it's the one that I use and that I sale at my facility. Dr. Sears is a doctor on eicosanoids and the product is certified. It's alittle bit more expensive, but you know that you're getting pure fish oil, so you usually have to be cautious when it comes to inexpensive fish oil. If that oil from Wal-Mart is doing all that it says then it's doesn't sound that bad, but there's no proof and it doesn't mention dioxins (which the Sears Omega Rx does).
