Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vitamin K

Since it's green week, I felt it was appropriate to cover a vitamin found in leafy greens. Vitamin K is important because it allows for:
* blood clotting
* protects bones from fractures
* prevents postmenopausal bone loss
* prevents artery calcification (hardening)
*protects against liver and prostate cancer.
Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting. Clotting is what is needed to close wounds and prevent excessive bleeding on such things as a simple cut. Vitamin K keeps blood clotting ability at the exact right level. Research is currently going on to determines vitamin K's roles in: protection against oxidative damage, proper regulation inflammatory response, and support of brain and nervous system structures. Most of our dietary vitamin K comes in the form of phylloquinoes from plant foods (90% dietary vitamin come in this form and over half from vegetables; especially green leafy vegetables).  Excellent sources of vitamin K include: spinach, Brussels sprouts, swiss chard, green beans, asparagus, broccoli, and kale. Vitamin K- another reason to eat a leafy green salad!

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